posted on February 9, 2014

Central to our success as humans is learning, both by ourselves, and from others. Inextricably tied to our learning is our capacity to do so, and the skillfulness with which we are able to transmit understanding. Hattie and Yates have expertly crafted and condensed copious amounts of research data and analysis into succinct and user-friendly chapters on topics of vital current interest to teachers and administrators. Their layout provides actionable summaries supported by clear units of study. They realize that teachers are not merely sterile conduits of information, nor are students generic recipients of information. Central to their argument is that a keen understanding of the process through which we teach is vital to content transmission, accessibility, understandability, and eventual student ownership. This includes building trusting relationships, giving cognitive load-appropriate lessons, and providing cogent feedback.

The authors additionally pay careful attention to the role and experience of the individual learner. Topics covered include the need for deliberate goal-oriented practice, understanding how to effectively engage memory for information storage and later retrieval, and giving credence to student learning styles.

posted on January 22, 2014

A great deal of attention is rightly being paid to curriculum development in K-12 schools at present. Administrations and teachers are putting a tremendous effort into aligning their teaching with common core standards, evaluating and improving assessments and feedback, and looking for ways to ensure that students are learning effectively. However, we should remember that investigating and enhancing process in knowledge acquisition is vital to effective knowledge acquisition.

Here are some ideas in process enhancement:

(1) Building self-confidence
(2) Developing independent people who are able to think independently
(3) Showing specific ways how to think in a formalized manner
(4) Using all five senses in learning
(5) Understanding and embracing change itself – concept of intrinsic value
(6) Advanced thinking through thought-provoking questioning

(1) Building self-confidence

Every child needs to know that their opinion is valued. It is critically important for children to have their own opinions, and that they are not merely expressing the opinions of others. They should start thinking about problems and ideas on a daily basis, and consider ideas for solving these problems. I ask every child in the classroom to be busy solving a problem every day. I tell them that I can call on them at any time to hear what they are thinking about.

I explain very clearly to children that they can only get anything they need in life from another human being whether that be a job, a promotion, gaining increased understanding to a problem in school, or in casual interactions. To meet their needs, children need to clearly articulate to another person what the issue is that they are interested in discussing and solving. In order to be successful in human interactions, it is most often beneficial to see the other party’s point of view. To this end, I have students debate issues constantly. Once they have finished a debate, they must immediately turn around and take their opponent’s point of view, and debate from that angle. Successful public speaking gives a tremendous boost to a person’s self-confidence. Being able to do so in a safe, supportive environment only adds to this result.

(2) Independent person

I find imperative for children to think of themselves as independent people. To establish oneself as an independent person, one must be able to make decisions. This, to a large extent, establishes independence. I ask students to make a decision tree of all the decisions they have made in their lives to date. It is important for them to include at least all those decisions that they think they have made from birth to today. I only give them the prompt “born”. Form there, they can develop a tree. On the reverse side of the paper, I give them the prompt “future”, whereupon they proceed to outline all their future possible courses of action.

I feel that children who can conceive of themselves as independent people can think creatively for themselves, and are prepared to attempt to solve all manner of complex issues.

Another project promoting the idea of independence is a technology project. Students use computers to create a three-minute profile titled WHO I AM. This certainly differs from the concept of WHO AM I? which would probably be more appropriate for a college level course. They may use any medium or content to convey themselves to the viewer. Voice-overs of cartoons, Photoshop, iTunes, and Claymation are just some of the ideas they may use. Once children are asked to define who they are, they are again reinforcing the idea of personal independence.

(3) Think in a formal way

All too often, one sees situations in which students are asked to “just think about” an issue under discussion. Thinking can occur in many ways, and it is important to stipulate this fact to younger learners. Brainstorming ideas concerning what comes to mind when viewing a painting by Picasso is a quite different from thinking in a formalized way about how to solve a major world issue such as excessive refuse in modern economies. In the former, spontaneous ideas are very productive while in the latter, thinking in a structured way such as using Descartes’ Theory of Rational Enquiry, is far more useful. Rene Descartes’ theory of Rational Enquiry in its most elementary form postulates several interesting ways to think and work through problems. Firstly, one should not accept any information merely on its face, always verifying for oneself if indeed that information holds true for you. Secondly, that all problems can and should be broken down into smaller ones, and worked back up the ladder until solutions to the large problems become apparent. Lastly, one should always circle back and recheck assumptions and calculations. This leads us to the concept of thinking. Children benefit from actual instruction in what kind of thinking to bring to understanding and analyzing specific issues or problems.

(4) Using all of our senses in learning

In the modern world concept of learning, we have certainly found that learning solely by reading books is insufficient to bring all of our senses to bear on a topic. It certainly does not cater to diverse learners who might not find reading about a topic by itself conducive to their learning style. We have therefore, for example, started using manipulatives in mathematics. This helps students actually ‘feel the problem’. It gives a tactile dimension to a written problem. This brings the sense of touch to a math problem which might otherwise only be read. Having students discuss and solve problems amongst themselves adds the idea of listening and hearing to the equation.

I have introduced the concept of smell mathematics to my students. I assign a number to a particular smell, have the students place the smells in a mathematical structure out on their tables, and ask their classmates to smell the numbers to, for example, two-digit multiplication. In this way, children can add the sense of smell to math! Any perfume or scent manufacturer will tell you that many hours of research and potion mixing goes into this enormous industry. Why not expose children to the idea at an early age?

(5) Understanding and embracing change itself – concept of intrinsic value

Traditionally, the assumption is that people are very apprehensive about change. Since our environments are changing at a rapid pace, I think it just as well to introduce younger children to the concept at an early age. I ask the students to define anything they think changes. I also ask them to outline everything that does not change. We have lively discussions around these topics.

As a measure of something that does not stay the same, I ask students to come up with anything that has a certain intrinsic value in and of itself. After many healthy and heated discussions, we conclude that there is nothing that has a specific monetary value that is fixed all over the world at the same time. Values/costs for everything changes constantly. I point to the prices of commodities, real estate, or the stock market. The only item which has a zero sum value throughout the world on a constant basis is house dust – zero!

(6) Advanced thinking through thought-provoking questioning

In order to get children to think and analyze problems, scenarios, or ideas in a creative way, two concepts have to be in place. Children need to be taught that there are many ways to thinking both formally, and informally. Secondly, children need to face thought-provoking questions that elicit their very best high order thinking.

Many times we have all heard the teacher ask students to just think through a problem. This might be useful when the class is brainstorming a new creative writing piece. However, other forms of instruction and investigation require a more formalized way to think. Teaching a structured way to think infinitely assists the child in having some mechanism to tackle certain kinds of intricate problems successfully. Descartes’ theory is just one such approach.

We have all asked a small child to do addition problems by extending digits on one hand, asking them to count them, followed by extending one to two additional digits and asking for a total. A far more complex problem, yet asking essentially exactly the same question, would be to extend several digits on one hand, and then extending one to several digits on another hand. Now the child has to combine information from two sources. Within this vignette is an essential truth to teaching creatively. Posing creative and well thought out challenging problems is likely to elicit similar responses. Questioning is an essential part of creative teaching. It is not only what questions we ask, but how we ask them that elevates the lesson to a new level. Posing interesting and thought-provoking questions utilizing cross curriculum sources creates an atmosphere ripe for creativity.

An interesting approach to thinking would be to ask students to define something by what it is not, rather than by what it is. For example, defining Abraham Lincoln by who he was is relatively straightforward. He was the President during the American Civil War, and so on. However, defining him by who he was not requires knowledge of all other Presidents of the United States. Similarly, defining an orange by what it is would entail describing the roundish shape, yellow color, and smell! However, defining it by what it is not in the category of fruit would require a larger descriptive capacity and knowledge.

posted on November 24, 2013

What would the world look like if people were allowed to speak only 20,000 words per year? Could we communicate effectively? What communication channels would suffer as a result of this change, and what channels would get increased use?

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So much of our current task in teaching writing is to ask students to expand upon their thinking, first outlining their ideas diagrammatically or in bullet-point format, and then expanding upon it in essay form. This is an essential skill irrespective of our future profession. Every person needs to be able to communicate with other people to make their needs and wants known as efficiently and productively as possible. This is essentially achieved through verbal or written communication. There are times, however, when condensing information into an advertisement can be an extremely useful tool to have.

Advertising essentially is an attempt to impart as much instantly recognizable information as possible to the viewer in the shortest amount of time. Instantly recognizable forms of this might be the apple for Apple Computer products, or the Nike symbol. They attempt, successfully, to impart a wide range of ideas to the consumer purely symbolically without recourse to words. The following is an interesting lesson to impart these ideas:




This unit includes spending time looking at, and discussing, print and television advertisements. Topics covered could include effectiveness of message, how easy it is to remember a message, colors used and their importance, and target audience.


Lesson for children:

Your task is to develop symbols to represent the following concepts:

(1)   A shared vehicle concept – similar to renting a car, but people join the

        organization, and usually use the vehicles for short periods of time.

       (2)  A shared pet company – A shop where people go to find a pet to share with

               other  people with like interests.

      (3)   Insta-story – a shop where you can go and hear an original story meant to

               include you.

      (4)   Connect – a shop where you can go and play video games with someone else.

      (5)   Planet Coffee – an evening café where you can watch the stars in the evening

               sky, learn more about them, and have a cup of coffee.

       (6)  A place to book your own space travel ticket.

(7)  I.Q. – a shop where you can have your I.Q. tested while you eat lunch.

      (8)   Mention – a shop where you can get a multi-media presentation made of   

               yourself for friends, jobs etc.

     (9)    Chess- a diner catering to lovers of chess

           (10)   Hamster – a place where you can run on a giant hamster wheel.


 Children present their drawings to the class giving supporting detail for their choice of symbols and colors. This can be done in a report to class and/or a group share and respond model.




posted on October 21, 2013

I have found it extremely useful to assist children to think of themselves as independent people. Quite obviously, pre-adolescent children are not independent in many respects, but creating an environment where they think of themselves as independent opens doors to many positive outcomes in the classroom. An independent young person is responsible for personal thoughts and actions, assignment planners, and homework. A vital and shared component of all these, and other, activities is the ability and responsibility to make decisions. Establishing oneself as a decision maker sets the stage for life as an independent person.

A very useful activity to undertake on the first day of school is to provide students with a blank sheet of paper approximately 18 inches long by 12 inches wide. On the board in front of the class write the word BORN with a period under it. Proceed to explain to the children that you want them to make a DECISION TREE outlining all the important decisions they have made in their lives to date. A decision tree will have branches for paths both taken and not taken. Paths not taken will end there, and paths taken lead to a continuation down the decision tree of life to the present day. It is imperative not to give too many ideas to the students at this point as to what specifically constitutes an important decisions. Of necessity for the purposes of this exercise, students should be thinking carefully through what decisions they think they have made over the course of their lives to date. Leaving it very open-ended without much guidance tends to produce varied and interesting results. Such results might include what school they ‘chose’ to go to from amongst alternatives they have heard of, what instruments or after-school activities they chose to do, or possibly where they have lived if they have moved apartments or cities. Whether they themselves actually made these decisions is immaterial. What is  important is for them to think about making decisions, and to have some defined course they followed over their young lives. They should see that a large part of our human experience is essentially selecting from amongst a series of options. Once you establish yourself as a decision maker, then you are an independent person with regard to thought and responsibility for actions.

At times, one could give a few hints to those individuals who are struggling with the project in order to get them into a productive mode of thinking through this exercise. Once all students have finished this project, have students share their thoughts and ideas with each other. Studying the Robert Frost poem, The Road Not Taken at this juncture would be a very useful exercise.

After completing and discussing the poem, ask the students to turn over the sheet of paper upon which they have outlined their major life decisions to date. Again go the classroom board and write the word FUTURE on it with a period under it. Explain again the concept of a DECISION TREE to the students. This time, however, ask them to put together a set of possible scenarios of major decisions they think they will make for the remainder of their lives. Leave this discussion as vague as possible in order to foster creativity. Interesting outcomes here have been college, marriage, career(s), vehicles, sports, number of children, retirement, travel and in some instances even death. Here again, we are establishing the concept of independence through the ability to make decisions.



posted on August 29, 2013

I have recently served on a school committee revising the teacher evaluation program. In this frame of reference, a recent article published by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching caught my eye. Both in reading this article and in my own discussions and work on the topic, it appears that the evaluation process in both private and public institutions can present itself as a daunting and stressful situation for teachers both novice, and experienced. This certainly need not be the case. If the school administration clearly outlines the evaluation process and procedure to their teachers, the teacher is given multiple opportunities to share their craft with supervisors, and timely feedback with an action plan is given to the teacher, then the process can be highly purposeful and constructive. After all, maintaining a highly competent and supported teacher body is essential to the success of any school. Emphatically outlining to teachers that the evaluative process is intended as  a supportive drive to excellence can only enhance goodwill on all sides.

The article mentioned above has particularly useful suggestions with regard to the feedback domain of the evaluation process. Read the article HERE.

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching HERE



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I am honored to be associated with John Lombardo, and Artworks for Youth as a member of the board. John has spent years developing an exceptional program bringing art classes and art appreciation to members of South Africa’s under-served communities. John connects schools in New York City with his program, and avails students and parents of an inestimable opportunity for personal growth and an awareness of the world in which we live. This program could serve as an inspirational model for school community service projects.

View a You Tube interview with John HERE

posted on July 3, 2013

Journal topics 2 and 3

It is fascinating to see how children convert the written word into a visual representation, and vice versa. It certainly enriches the reading experience to be able to create vivid mental representations of what one is reading. Practicing drawing and reading/writing together could create an awareness of the process of transferring the written word into mental images, enhance descriptive abilities, and support creative and imaginative writing.

Journal topic 2:

Provide a scenic written passage from a well-known author, and ask the children to draw the scene in their writing journals.

Students can journal on the process they undertook to complete this assignment.

Journal topic 3:

Provide a colorful postage stamp to students. Ask them to place it in the center of a facing page, and expand the scene in the stamp with colored pencils. They can then write a story about their creation.

Point out to students that information can to transferred from words to images, and vice versa. Providing a detailed description of your ideas to readers help them make an accurate visual representation in their minds as they read your work. Similarly, reading detailed work helps the readers create captivating visual images.

posted on July 2, 2013

I am starting a series on writing journal topics appropriate for middle school learners.

Writing journal topic 1:

How would your life look if you lived your life exactly one minute ahead of every other human being? If you think you could communicate with other people, how would you accomplish this task?